How Scheduling Spring HVAC Maintenance Saves Money

March 12, 2020

A well-maintained HVAC system can save you money. It does so in a few ways. Here are the reasons you should have your HVAC system tuned-up in the spring every year. Save Money on Energy Bills If you have your HVAC system serviced every spring, it can save you up to 15% on your energy bills. Heating and cooling your home is about half your energy bills, so the savings are significant. The technician will clean your furnace, for example, and lubricate moving parts. This helps your furnace operate at peak efficiency. of Raceland, LA, provides homeowners with annual maintenance...

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How HVAC Has Changed Our Lives: HVAC Benefits

September 13, 2019

Modern HVAC systems have made it easier to keep our homes at a consistent temperature throughout the year. By keeping your home comfortable, you are more likely to enjoy spending time in the place you worked so hard to afford. The invention of HVAC has made that possible. Cooling Systems Can Help Reduce Humidity An air conditioner system helps remove moisture from each room in your home, which makes the air drier as well as cooler. This can come in handy on hot summer days or during those nights when the heat and humidity simply won’t quit. Generally speaking, you...

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3 Benefits of Changing Your AC Filter

June 10, 2019

During the warm summer months in Raceland, your AC works hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. To ensure that your AC is running at peak performance, our cooling experts here at recommend that you regularly change your AC filter. For everything else, we can help! For over 30 years, our NATE-certified technicians have provided some of the best AC installation, maintenance, and repair services to the Raceland area. 1. Peak Energy Efficiency When your AC is working at peak performance, it’s at its most energy efficient. This will slash your monthly cooling bills. Did you know that a...

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The Elements of an HVAC System

April 18, 2019

Professional HVAC technicians, like those at , have the important job of maintaining and repairing the systems that keep buildings comfortable. Here are the components of a standard HVAC system. Heating Most buildings need a heating system to keep things comfortable inside. In northern climates, these systems may be working for four to six months every year. In more temperate climates, their operation may be less consistent. Nevertheless, when you need heat, you often need it immediately. A furnace, boiler or heat pump will keep the building warm and cozy on the coldest days. Ventilation Modern buildings are made to...

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