How to Prepare for a Power Outage

March 9, 2021

A natural emergency or other events can cause a power outage that potentially lasts for days. No matter where you live, you should prepare your home for a long-term power outage.


You need to have drinkable water to survive. A person needs at least 1 gallon of water per day. You should always have at least a week’s worth of water stored away in case your city’s water system loses power.


As has been seen in the past, grocery stores can be quickly emptied in an emergency. You should maintain a long-term food pantry and a plan for what to do with the food in your refrigerator and freezer. Sensible things to include in the pantry include powdered milk, granola bars, canned vegetables, instant coffee, crackers, and cereal.


You probably have food that needs to be cooked in your pantry, and a hot meal can raise spirits. If you have a wood stove, fireplace, or fire pit, you can easily cook. Keep an emergency supply of firewood and kindling, so you’re prepared for a power outage.


If you experience a long-term power outage in the winter, you need to keep your home warm. You can purchase a standby generator so your home is warm and there’s power for your electronics. A standby generator can also solve other problems, such as cooking.

Guidry's Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc of Raceland, LA, sells, installs, and services standby generators. We’ve been helping families in the area since 1986.

Bathing and Personal Care

If a power outage causes the water supply to stop, keeping clean becomes a problem. Build storage of personal care items such as baby wipes, dry shampoo, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer, and diapers.

Guidry's Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc is a company that does electrical repair, lighting replacements, ceiling fan installations, and more. We also repair, install and maintain heating and cooling systems. Other services include indoor air quality, water heaters, energy audits, and refrigeration. Call today to find out more.
